

Quick and Tasty: Quiche

QUICHE is a European delight. This savory dish is a combination of eggs, cheese and cream. The best thing about this is that it is…...

Marriage & Family

Why Families Should Spend Quality Time At Home

“And Allah has made for you from your homes a place of rest…”  [Surah An Nahl, 16:80] The Prophet ﷺ said, “Travel is a portion of torment…....

husband is not religious
Marriage & Family

‘My Husband is Not Religious’

IF you were brought up with a religious background – where it was normal for you to wear hijab once you were supposed to, to…...

news through different media

Commonsense Tips for Muslim News Consumers

AS Muslim issues are increasingly flogged as ‘flavor of the month’ by media outlets in search of stories that evoke the right mix of controversy…...


Being Anti-Social With Social Media

A focused gaze, all attention captured, honed in on you – that would have been the scene if you were to have had a conversation…...

Marriage & Family

‘Don’t Worry, I’ll Change Her’

YOU must have heard this statement many a time from today’s youth. This has become such a common and convincing cliche that it makes you ask:…...

saudi children

Saudi is Not that Bad, Believe Me!

Saudi is not that bad. Believe me! By Ikram Mohamed. Apr 2015 Issue HAVING being in Saudi for over three years now, I have met…...