

A Guide for Dignified Islamic Character

Are good manners something that a person naturally possesses or are they something that can be attained? The answer is: just as manners can be innate, they can also be attained.


Make Your Religion Easy

Assalamu-Alaikum, One misconception many Muslim youth hold is they view Islam as a rigid/extreme religion and as a religion that is tough to practice. Because


Neglecting Obedience is Sin

Our Creator has given us a complete way of life: our deen.  It is obligatory to live according to the Shariʽah, which is derived from

Which acts of worship are best in Islam

Which acts of worship are best in Islam?

Since worship in Islam is so comprehensive, one might wonder which kinds are best and most pleasing to Allah, which ones have the highest rank


Treasures Of Memorizing The Qur’an (Part 2)

…Continued from Treasures Of Memorizing The Qur’an (Part 1) Strength in memory “Eat almonds! It makes your memory stronger.” How many times have you heard