
Teens learn Islam, enterpreneurship, & have loads of fun at Kalemah’s Winter Camp in Dubai

Pictures from Kalemah’s Facebook page

KALEMAH Islamic Centre of Dubai organized a six-day winter camp for teens from Dec. 24-29, 2015. Muhammad Tim Humble and Abu Mussab Wajdi Akkari led the camp under the theme “connecting hearts with the lives of the companions”.

The camp is reported to have been extremely successful with the boys saying they “can’t wait to come back.”

A father said about the event, “The organizers did an excellent job of laying on an entertaining and educational six-day program for the 60 teenage kids, from paintballing to quadbiking, from learning about the rituals of burying the dead to being grateful to parents, and a whole lot more.”

Visit dubaiwintercamp.com for more information.

dubai winter camp

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dubai winter camp


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