Hasan bin Ali award 2022,

Indonesian president receives 2022 Imam Al Hasan bin Ali Award from UAE

President Joko Widodo of Indonesia received the Imam Al Hasan bin Ali Award for Peace from the Abu Dhabi Forum for Peace (ADFP) in recognition of his contributions to global peace efforts.

Vice President Ma’ruf Amin accepted the award on his behalf during a meeting with ADFP president Sheikh Abdullah bin Bayyah in Abu Dhabi.

Speaking on the occasion, Bin Bayyah said, “It is my pleasure, on behalf of the Abu Dhabi Forum for Peace, to offer the 2022 Imam Hasan bin Ali International Peace Prize to President Widodo in recognition of his commitment and contribution towards the remarkable efforts Indonesia has demonstrated in spreading peace and tolerance both regionally and internationally. The great nation of Indonesia is a paradigm for coexistence, enriched through its diverse ethnicities and faiths living in conviviality side by side.”

The Indonesian Vice President expressed his gratitude for receiving this award on behalf of President Widodo and the people of Indonesia and remarked that this is a sign of honor for both the Indonesian President’s efforts and the significant position that Indonesia enjoys in the promotion of tolerance and coexistence.

The annual Imam Al-Hassan bin Ali Award, launched in 2015, is aimed at honoring those who created “a culture of peace and consolidating its value in Muslim societies.” Past recipients have included community leaders, scholars, and grassroots workers.

Indonesia, the world’s largest Muslim-majority country, this year holds the rotating presidency of the Group of 20 largest economies. It will host the G20 summit in Bali on 15 Nov, where the heads of the group’s member states will convene. 

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