Bushra Wangde

Bushra Wangde is from India and was brought up in Saudi Arabia. She graduated from Preston International College in Chennai, India with a BA in Islamic Studies.

Interesting facts about Arabic

facts about arabic

1. Arabic script is the third most widely used script in the world, after the Latin and Chinese scripts. 2. Arabic language is actually abjad, meaning they are not alphabets, rather all the letters of Arabic are consonants (letters that produce sound). They are non vowel letters. 3 .Arabic is an ancient Semitic language believed…...

How waiting for pregnancy increased my faith

Waiting and waiting for those two pink lines to appear might seem like a million years. But what comes after that needs a giant leap of faith. Becoming parents is one of the best blessings. It is like a dream come true. It’s the best moment for a couple when they find out they are…...

Treasures Of Memorizing The Qur’an (Part 2)


…Continued from Treasures Of Memorizing The Qur’an (Part 1) Strength in memory “Eat almonds! It makes your memory stronger.” How many times have you heard of this well-known remedy for strengthening memory? Plenty of times. But has anyone said you “memorize the Quran! It will make your memory stronger?” In all these years of my…...

Struggles Of The Heart

quran heart

The Heart is full of rage, For the shaytaan has trapped it in its cage.Dont grieve! Allah is Al- Fattah, who will “ … remove the fury in the believers’ hearts…” (9:15)…...

Taste From The Past: Hais


Hais is a recipe from Baghdad. It is served as a dessert or an appetizer. It also serves as good energy food while travelling for example, as it can stay for a long period without going bad and is full on the stomach. Hais is also a health way to satisfy your sweet tooth!…...

Treasures Of Memorizing The Qur’an (Part 1)

Treasures of Memorisinf the Qur'an

“They busied their hearts with this worldly life, and if they had busied themselves with Allah and the Hereafter, they would think about His words and verses and would have found in them the most precious wisdom and benefits.” — Ibn al-Qayyim Every year thousands and thousands of children from different parts of the world…...

Book Review: Civilization Of Faith

Book Review: Civilization of Faith

 WHAT name comes to your mind when you think of civilization that is successful and advanced? It won’t be a surprise to hear that many would think of Western civilization. But what about our Muslim civilization? How much do we know about our history and our predecessors? What did they do? It is sad that very…...

Taste From The Past: Maqbula Al-Tirrikh

MaqbulaAl-Tirrikh (Andalusian Fish cutlets)

ARAB influence in Andalusia, present day Spain, left a distinct mark on the region’s food choices and habits, as seen in the exotic spices and ingredients like saffron, almonds, zucchini, dates, lemons, oranges, rice, cinnamon and sweet peppers. The tradition of multiple-course meals featuring a series of dishes complementing each other rather than one main…...

What Islam Says About Horoscopes

world and the stars

“News today was not even worth reading! Let me check my horoscope and see what the stars have in store for me today!” Really? Do you really think a star can govern your life and is generous enough to let you know about it beforehand?! What Is A Horoscope?…...

Book Review: The Relief From Distress by Ibn Taymiyyah

THE Prophet ﷺ said: “The supplication of Dhun- Nun (Prophet Yunus) when he supplicated, while in the belly of the whale was: لاَ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ أَنْتَ سُبْحَانَكَ إِنِّي كُنْتُ مِنَ الظَّالِِينَ ‘There is none worthy of worship except You, Glory to You, Indeed, I have been of the transgressors.’ So indeed, no Muslim man supplicates with…...