Ramadan Fatawa

What nullifies the fast

Q- What nullifies the fast?

A- Sexual intercourse; Eating; Drinking; The emission of Mani (semen) due to desire; Whatever bears the characteristics of food and drink; Intentional vomiting; The emission of blood due to cupping; The emission of menstrual and postpartum blood.

– Sheikh Muhammad Bin Salih Al-‘Uthaimeen, Islamic Verdicts on the Pillars of Islam 

Sleeping & resting

Q- I spend my day in Ramadan asleep or at rest since I am unable to work due to my (experiencing) severe pangs of hunger and thirst, so does this affect the validity of my fast?

A- This does not affect the validity of the fast, (rather) therein is an increase of reward due to the saying of the Messenger (peace be upon him) to ‘Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her): “Your reward is according to your hardship.”

So, the more hardship a person experiences, the more his reward increases. He should (also) do what he can to reduce the effect of fasting such as cooling himself with water and resting in a cool place.

– Sheikh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen, Fatawa Ramadan – Volume 2, Page 522, Fatwa No.487, Fatawa Ibn ‘Uthaymeen – Volume 1, Page 509

Swimming & fasting

Q- What is the ruling regarding swimming in the sea or in the pool during the day in Ramadan?

A- We say (that) there is no harm in the fasting person swimming in the sea or in the pool, whether the pool is deep or otherwise, he can swim as he wishes and immerse himself in the water. However, he must – to the best of his ability – take care not to allow any water into his stomach.

Swimming energises the fasting person and assists him in his fast; And that which energises (a person) in obedience to Allah, then there is no harm in it because it is from that which reduces the effects of hardship of worship for the worshipper and makes it easy for him.

Allah says in the verses related to fasting: “…Allah intends for you ease, and He does not want to make things difficult for you. (He wants that you) must complete the same number (of days), and that you must magnify Allah for having guided you…” [Qur’an, 2:185)

And the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “This religion is easy. No one becomes harsh and strict in the religion without it overwhelming him.” (Bukhari and Muslim)

So there is no harm in swimming in the pool, just as there is no harm in taking a shower and other than that; And Allah has the Complete Knowledge (of all affairs).

– Sheikh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen, Fatawa Ramadan – Volume 2, Page 524, Fatwa No.490, Fatawa Ibn ‘Uthaymeen – Volume 1, Pages 509-510

Did no make up fasts

Q- What is the ruling regarding the one who did not make up the missed fasts of Ramadan until next Ramadan started, without any valid reason?

A- He is required to repent to Allah and make up the (missed) fasts in addition to feeding a poor and needy person for every (missed) day an amount of half a Saa’ [One Saa` is equal to four Mudd, and one Mudd is equal to the amount held by cupping the two hands together. It is a measure by volume not by weight] from the staple diet of the land from dates, wheat, rice or other than them. The amount is equivalent to one and a half kilograms, and thereafter, nothing further is required of him in making an expiation (kaffaarah). This is how a group of the companions, including Ibn ‘Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him), ruled.

If, however, he was excused due to illness or travel, or if a woman was excused due to pregnancy or breast feeding thereby causing her difficulty in fasting, then nothing is required of them except to make up the (missed) fasts.

– Sheikh Bin Baz, Fatwa Ramadan – Volume 2, Page 554, Fatwa No.536, Tuhfatul-Ikhwaan bi-Ajwibah Muhimmah tata’allaaq bi-Arkan Al-Islaam – Page 177Q

Intentionally broke the fast

Q- What is the expiation for a man who intentionally broke his fast during Ramadan without a valid reason?

A- If the man intentionally broke his fast by having sexual intercourse, then he must make up (the fast) and also make an expiation in addition to repenting to Allah. (The expiation is) freeing a believing slave, and if he is unable to do so, then he must fast for two consecutive months, and if he is unable to do that, then he must feed sixty poor and needy people. And the woman is required to do the same if she was not forced (to have sexual intercourse).

If, however, he broke his fast by eating and drinking, then he is required to make up (the fast) and repent without making any expiation.

– The Permanent Committee, Fatwa Ramadan – Volume 2, Page 566, Fatwa No.549

Donating blood

Q- Is donating blood during the day in Ramadan permissible or does it break the fast?

A- If he donated blood and a lot was taken, then certainly this invalidates the fast because it is analogous to cupping, and that would be to draw blood from his vein in order to help the sick or for safe keeping in case of emergency.

As for (drawing) a little such as taking with a syringe for analysis and examination (purposes), then this does not break the fast.

– Sheikh Ibn Jibreen, Fatawa Ramadan – Volume 2, Pages 466-467, Fatwa No.403.

Semen without desire

Q- Whilst fasting in Ramadan, I suffer from an intermittent excretion of semen without having a wet dream or masturbating. So does this affect my fast?

A- If the matter is as you have mentioned, then the excretion of semen without desire during the day in Ramadan does not affect your fast and you are (therefore) not required to make it up.

– The Permanent Committee, Fatawa Ramadan – Volume 2, Page 451, Fatwa No.378

Reciting Quran in Menstruation

Q- I read books of Tafseer of the Qur’an when I am not in a state of purity… such as during my monthly period, is there any objection to this, and am I committing any sin by doing so? Please deliver a verdict, and may Allah reward you.

A – There is no objection to the menstruating woman or the one who has postnatal bleeding reading books of Tafseer nor reciting the Qur’an, without touching the Book according to the most correct of the two opinions held by the scholars.

As for the one who is Junub, he may not recite the Qur’an at all, until he makes Ghusl, but he may read the books of Tafseer, Hadith and the like, without reciting the Verses they contain, as it has been authentically reported from the Prophet salAllahu ‘alaihi wasallam that nothing prevented him from reciting the Qur’an except Janabah. [Abu Dawud no.229, Ibn Majah no.594 & Ahmad 1:84, 124].

And in another version narrated by Imam Ahmad, with a good chain of narrators, he said: ”As for the one who is Junub; no, not even an ayah.” [Ahmad 1:110]

– Sheikh Abdul-`Azeez Bin Baz; Fatawa Islamiyah, vol. 1, p112-113.

Ejaculation after kissing

Q- Regarding (the husband) if he kissed his wife, or cuddled her and thereby excreted prostatic fluid, does that invalidate his fast or not?

A- According to most of the scholars, his fast is invalidated because of that.

– Ibn Taymiyyah, Fatawa Ramadan – Volume 2, Page 456, Fatwa No.387, Majmoo’ Fatawa Sheikh Al-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah – Volume 25, Page 265

On flight

Q- If the sun set upon a person and the Mu’azzin called the Adhan while he was in the airport and he broke his fast. Then after the plane took off, he saw the sun, should he fast?

A- Our answer to this is that he is not required to because the time for breaking the fast came while they were on the ground. So, the sun set while they were in a place in which it set, and the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “When night falls from this side, and the day vanishes from this side, and the sun sets, then the fasting person should break his fast.”

So, if a person, upon whom the sun set, broke his fast while he was on the ground in the airport, then his day has ended. If his day has ended, then he is not obliged to fast except on the next day.

So, based on this, it is not necessary to fast in these circumstances, because breaking the fast was only according to a legal evidence, and it is not required to fast except based upon a legal evidence. And Allah knows best.

– Sheikh Muhammad Bin Salih Al-‘Uthaimeen, Islamic Verdicts on the Pillars of Islam 

Tasting food

Q- Is the fast invalidated by tasting food?

A- Tasting food does not invalidate the fast, if a person does not swallow it. But you should not do it unless there is a need for it; and in this situation, if any of it enters the stomach without your intending it, then your fast is not invalidated. And Allah knows best.

– Sheikh Muhammad Bin Salih Al-‘Uthaimeen, Islamic Verdicts on the Pillars of Islam 

Asthma Inhalers

Q- In some of the pharmacies (they sell) inhalers which some of the asthma sufferers use; Is it permissible for the fasting person to use it during the day in Ramadan?

A- The use of the inhaler by the one who is fasting is permissible whether his fast is in Ramadan or other than Ramadan.

That is because the particles in the inhaler do not reach the stomach, rather they reach the lungs and cause them to open up thereby allowing the person to breathe normally.

So, it is not regarded as food nor drink, and that which is known is that the basic principle is the validity of the fast (is maintained) until (authentic) evidence from the Book, or the Sunnah, or consensus (ijmaa’) or valid juristic reasoning (qiyaas) indicates otherwise.

– Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen, Fataawa Ramadan – Volume 2, Page 531, Fatwa No.502 Fataawa Ibn ‘Uthaymeen – Volume 1, Pages 169-170


Q- We would like to know what is meant by “I’tikaf” and its ruling?

A- I’tikaf is for a person to confine himself to the mosque in obedience to Allah so as to separate himself from the people and free himself (from the chores of daily life) to exert himself in worshipping Allah. This can take place in any mosque, whether it is a mosque in which people gather for the Friday prayer or not. However, it is better (to perform the I’tikaf) in a mosque in which the people gather for the Friday prayer so that one performing I’tikaf is not forced to leave the mosque (in which he is doing I’tikaf) to go to another mosque for the Friday prayer.

– Sheikh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen, Fatawa Ramadan – Volume 2, Page 861, Fatwa No.846, Fiqh al–’Ibaadaat – Page 208

Conditions of I’tikaf

Q- What are the conditions of I’tikaf, and is fasting one of them? Is it permissible for the person in I’tikaf to visit a sick person, answer an invitation, fulfill some of his family’s needs, or go to work?

A- I’tikaf is prescribed in a mosque in which the congregational prayer is established. If the person in I’tikaf is from those upon whom Friday prayers are obligatory and the length of his I’tikaf includes a Friday, then it is better to be in a mosque in which Friday prayers are established. Fasting is not (a) necessary (part of it).

The sunnah is that one does NOT: 
• Visit the sick during his I’tikaf
• Accept invitations
• Fulfill the needs of his family
• Witness the funeral (by following it) and
• Go to work outside the mosque.
• Touch a woman (his wife), nor have intercourse with her
• Leave to fulfill a need except what is necessary

This is due to what has been authenticated on the authority of ‘Aishah (may Allah be pleased with her) that she said: “The sunnah for he who is in I’tikaf is that he does not visit the sick nor witness a funeral, nor touch a woman (his wife), nor have intercourse with her nor leave to fulfill a need except that which is necessary.”

– The Permanent Committee for Islamic Research and Fatawa, Fatawa Ramadan – Volume 2, Page 862, Fatwa No.848

Is I’tikaf restricted to Ramadan?

Q- Does I’tikaf have a fixed time or is it restricted to Ramadan, or is it permissible in other than Ramadan?

A – What is prescribed is that it should be in Ramadan only. This is because the Prophet (peace be upon him) did not make I’tikaf in other than Ramadan, except what he (peace be upon him) did in Shawwaal, after having left doing I’tikaf in Ramadan one year, and so did it in Shawwaal. Yet if a person was to make I’tikaf in other than Ramadan it would be permissible, because ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) asked the Prophet (peace be upon him) saying: “I vowed to do I’tikaf for a night or a day in the mosque al–Haraam.” The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “Fulfill your vow”.

– Sheikh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen, Fatawa Ramadan – Volume 2, Page 864, Fatwa No.851; Fiqh al–Ibaadaat libni ‘Uthaymeen – Page 208

Leaving from I’tikaf

Q- When does a person leave I’tikaf, is it after sunset on the night prior to Eid or after Fajr on the day of Eid?

A – The person in I’tikaf leaves I’tikaf once Ramadan finishes and it finishes as the sun sets the night prior to Eid. He enters I’tikaf at sunset (prior) to the 20th day of Ramadan. This is so as the last ten (nights) of Ramadan start from sunset of the night (prior) to the 20th day of Ramadan and ends at sunset of the night (prior) to Eid.

– Sheikh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen, Fatawa Ramadan – Volume 2, Page 872, Fatwa No.859

[Source: Fatwa Online and other books]

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