When Shaytan makes you question Allah
Thoughts and delusions that are not compatible with religion do not bother a dead heart, because such a heart is already lifeless and ruined and
Thoughts and delusions that are not compatible with religion do not bother a dead heart, because such a heart is already lifeless and ruined and
The Qur’an was revealed over 1400 years ago. It states in no uncertain terms that it is a revelation from God conveyed by the angel
THEY laughed and ridiculed. Here was a man who claimed to have traveled from Makkah to Jerusalem (1,235 km) and returned in one night. The
Believe it or not: It all started with good intentions. Idol worship started with the intention of bringing people closer to Allah and worshiping Him better
Quite a number of Muslims today, especially those living in Christian dominated countries or those influenced to a large degree by western culture, have been
Before The Dawn Of Islam THE sun is beating down the hot sands of Arabia. There is hardly any water to drink or anything to
Muharram is marked in many places by chest-thumping, flagellating crowds and processions that leave traffic jams and chaos in their wake. People make special sweets
THE verb khalasa means ‘to become pure, clear, free or safe’, and akhlasa is ‘to purify something’. So ikhlaas means ‘purification’ – the purification of
THE first of a set of eight on ‘aqeedah, this translation is like none other I’ve read. The excellent English and grammar, kept me wanting