Shaikh Muhammad ibn Saleh Al-Uthaymeen

When Shaytan makes you question Allah

man thinking

Thoughts and delusions that are not compatible with religion do not bother a dead heart, because such a heart is already lifeless and ruined and that is all that Satan wants. It was said to one of the pious predecessors: “The Jews and Christians say that they do not suffer from the problem of waswas…...

TAFSEER: ‘And Fitnah Is Worse Than Killing’

‘And fitnah is worse than killing’ (Qur’an, 2:191) WE learn from this ayah that al-fitnah — i.e. preventing the people from following their deen (Islam) — is a greater (crime) than killing them; because in their killing, the maximum they will miss out on is this worldly life. But if they are prevented from (learning…...