Imam al-Ghazali

Islamic Ethics of Trade and Business


The following is an excerpt from Imam al-Ghazali’s book, Kitāb Ādāb al-Kasb wal-Maʿāsh (The Book on the Morals of Earning and Living), translated by Prof. Adi Setia, and edited for publishing on Muslim Ink.  Be Just and Avoid Harming Others Anything by which the transactor is harmed is oppression. Justice (al-ʿadl) is that a Muslim is not…...

The Importance Of Working And Earning In Islam

earning in Islam

The following is an excerpt from Imam al-Ghazali’s book, Kitāb Ādāb al-Kasb wal-Maʿāsh (The Book on the Morals of Earning and Living), translated by Prof. Adi Setia, and slightly edited for publishing on Muslim Ink. It lists the virtues of working and halal earning in the Islamic tradition. Virtues mentioned in the Qur’an Allah mentions…...